Product Features
- Genre
- Action and Shooter
- Publisher
- Activision
- Release Date
- May 01, 2009
- Available Platforms
- PC, PlayStation 3, XBox 360
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X Men Origins Wolverine Uncaged Edition
Unleash the fury of Wolverine with this unstoppable, extremely satisfying, action-adventure game! X-Men Origins: Wolverine will challenge you to use your animal instinct to slice and stab your way through this epic game, packed with villains, blood, gore and action. You must hunt, destroy your enemies, reap revenge and uncover the truth about Wolverines awful past.
Joe Stevens May 25, 2009 PS3
X Men Origins: Wolverine is a great game, filled with Wolverine trivia, action and dismemberments.
The game is based upon the recent blockbuster film, but does feature flashbacks and extended scenes. You play as Wolverine, before he has lost his memory, in which you have to avenge your girlfriend's death by hunting down your brother, Victor Creed aka Sabretooth. In the flashback missions you play as Wolverine before he had his bone claws coated in adamantium, and when you were part of the Weapon X programme with a group of other mutants, including your brother. I won't ruin the story for anyone but the various plot twists are rather predictable, however this doesn't detract from the overall experience of X Men Origins: Wolverine. My one gripe with X Men Origins Wolverine is that it is rather generic in its execution; it feels very similar to a God of War game, even down to you absorbing red orbs when you kill an enemy. Feeling like a God of War game is hardly an insult it just feels like I have played games similar to this, however, the game is still extremely enjoyable and it certainly doesn't ruin the game in the slightest.
You begin the game falling from the sky, guiding wolverine past bullets and debris into a helpless soldier below. You land in an explosion of dirt and blood, with Wolverine's arm hanging off. The game is filled with gruesome set pieces like this throughout the entire single player campaign, another example being later in the mission when you jump onto an enemy helicopter, pull out the pilot and stick his head in the spinning blades above, please note that blood and chaos ensues. The combat in Wolverine, as you can guess from my brief description above, is extremely violent and brutal. There are four base moves that you can perform on your unfortunate victims, which can then be combined to perform a large variety of combinations. You can light attack, heavy attack, grab, and by far my favourite, lunge attack. X Men Origins: Wolverine does a great job in making the player think intelligently when using these attacks as each type of enemy you encounter has a certain weakness that can be exploited by a particular move that Wolverine can perform. This keeps the player constantly on his toes, thinking about what strategies to employ to which enemy.
Wolverine also has a rather simple yet effective upgrade system. You earn experience points by killing enemies, you can earn more XP by killing your enemies in more inventive ways such as impaling them on fork lift spikes etc. Once you earn enough XP you will level up, which gives you reward points to spend on various skills of Wolverine, such as claw strength, health, or amount of rage he can store. This simple reward system keeps the player feeling like they are becoming more powerful throughout their progression of the single player campaign also adding to the replayibility factor of the game.
Wolverine, surprisingly, is a great looking game. It runs on UnrealEngine3 and can hold its own against nearly all current titles. The game really shines when it is in the jungle, the scenery looks dense and lush, just like a jungle should, however the game can look generic and repetitive when in the inside sections of the game. My favourite part of the look of the game has to be how Wolverine's regenerative ability is represented. If you are hit by bullets chunks of flesh will be ripped out of your torso. Get to cover and just watch Wolverine as his skin will slowly regenerate in front of your eyes. It is amazing to watch, especially when you have just been hit by an artillery strike and your left with no flesh on your body, just an adamantium skeleton. You then see the skin slowly regenerate over his muscles and organs, extremely graphic but nonetheless satisfying for a Wolverine fan to see. The cut scenes (even thought they are not gameplay) are by far the best graphics I have ever seen in a videogame, they could easily be mistaken for real life footage and are incredibly detailed, highlighting how savage Wolverine really is.
Wolverine should take you between 8-14hrs to complete on your first run through, which is rather short for a full retail price game, however the game does offer a large incentive to replay the game. Throughout the game there are 95 dog tags to collect, each one giving you a substantial amount of XP and also leading to a silver trophy once you have collected them all. As well as this there are a number of hidden costume statues placed throughout the levels. Once you have found two of one kind of statue you unlock a challenge room. In this challenge room you have to defeat an enemy Wolverine in a certain costume. Once you have defeated him you will unlock the costume he was wearing, the costumes include Legendary Wolverine, X-Force Wolverine and my personal favourite, the Classic Wolverine costume. These costumes have no effect on your abilities they just look awesome!
X Men Origins: Wolverine is a brutal, bloody and fantastic action game. It is filled with a tonne of over the top executions and kills, yet it never seems out of place due to you controlling a man with metal claws and regenerative abilities. The game has great replay value and is an absolute blast to play whether you are a Wolverine fan or not. I loved this game and thoroughly recommend it to any mature comic book fan or action film fan. I award X Men Origins: Wolverine an 8.5 / 10.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Developers discuss the game 360PS3PC | 02:18 Play Trailer
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - General Trailer 360PS3PC | 00:34 Play Trailer