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Product Features

Action and Shooter
Release Date
April 17, 2003
Available Platforms
GameCube, PC, PlayStation 2, XBox

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Set around the events of 1991's head-to-head with the Iraqis, Conflict: Desert Storm presents a stylised view of the confrontation, allowing players to see the war unfold through the eyes of either Delta Force or the SAS. Combining first and third-person perspectives with a thoroughly well-designed, team-based model, the game manages to pull off the almost unthinkable double for a console by being both engaging and easy to manage--not something that comes easily when you have a limited number of controller buttons. The plotline is standard military sim fare--strategic targets must be blown up, prisoners rescued and bullets expended by the thousand--but the extra edge provided by the ability to drive vehicles and to creep around undetected by the excitable Iraqi guards makes this a must-have...