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Product Features

Action and Shooter
Release Date
July 27, 2007
Available Platforms
PlayStation Portable

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It has been a week since the world has heard from the small Eastern European kingdom of Villtania. As scattered reports from the Villtanian refugees who have fled the country dribble in, the world is hearing a horror-filled tale of devastation by monsters and biogeocenosis experiments summoned for war and world domination by Villtania`s leading scholar, and self-described sorcerer, Raimond. The once beautiful Villtanian countryside now runs red with the blood of its people. The United Nations have declared an international emergency and while unable to commit any of the world`s armies to this strange, supernatural conflict, they have offered a huge reward to any hot-shot mercenaries or hunters brave enough to take on theses monsters from another dimension and restore order to Villtania. Warriors...