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Product Features

Action and Shooter
Focus Multimedia Ltd
Release Date
April 16, 2010
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Men of War Red Tide

After finishing Men of War I was stuck for something else to play that would be any where near as satisfying, so for a few months I returned to my xbox (yes......) playing COD online. Finally there came an expansion, but being a cheapskate I waited for it to reduce to a tenner or thereabouts before taking the plunge. It was a plunge worth taking and even though I'm only through to the fourth mission I thought I'd belt out a review. Basically it plays the same as Men of War, although the boat action can be a bit dubious, and has the same great attention to detail and good enemy AI. I am thoroughly hooked and can't put it down when I start playing, hours rolling by like minutes. Although I don't know if it is as good as the original, cos that was brilliant, it still deserves an 8 out of 10 as...