Product Features
- Genre
- Action and Shooter
- Publisher
- Ubisoft
- Release Date
- December 02, 2011
- Available Platforms
- PC, XBox 360
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Assassins Creed Revelations
When a man has won all his battles and defeated his enemies; what is left for him to achieve? Ezio Auditore must leave his life behind in search of answers, In search of the truth. In Assassins Creed Revelations, master assassin Ezio Auditore walks in the footsteps of the legendary mentor Altair, on a journey of discovery and revelation. It is a perilous path one that will take Ezio to Constantinople, the heart of the Ottoman Empire, where a growing army of Templars threatens to destabilize the region. In addition to Ezios award-winning story, a refined and expanded online multiplayer experience returns with more modes, more maps and more characters, allowing you to test your assassin skills against others from around the world. <h2 style="font-size:12px;">KEY FEATURES for Assassins...
James Alexander February 15, 2012 360
Assassin's Creed: Revelations, has been my most highly anticipated game since Brotherhood, and it did not dissapoint. Perhaps my love of the franchise is because I can't go out and run along rooftops, and jump down onto a number of innocent civilians and slip a blade through their ribs. But whilst this has been my motivation for attention the past number of games, Revelations held it's own without such fantasies.
Whilst the sound of our old-friend Ezio's blade slipping into the chest of an enemy soldier repeatedlly with a ch-ch-ch sound is as beautiful as it has ever been, the few tweaks to gameplay make the admitedlly slightly tiresome story infinately more enjoyable. For the story is getting slightly tedious, with all the needless cliffhangers and supernatural artifacts - gaming like this is supposed to be realistic to be at it's peak
Nevertheless, the main plot does tickle the fancy of my inner rebel (very inner rebel), and running around ancient Turkey is a welcome change to the slightly blander in comparison Italy.
Back to the gameplay, the minor tweaks do make a difference. Bombing a guard, stabbing his buddy, and then making a smoke escape brings a Batman-esque vigilante style of fighting to the genre, something the stealth oriented game has lacked in to this point in time. The levelling system and faction challenges are as good as they're ever going to get, and the ability to stalk your prey with the new found eagle sense makes for interesting playing.
In conclusion, whilst now an old man in character and style, the series will forever linger on, and, if improving as steadily as it has over the past year, make it all the way to the top of my list.
8.9/ 10 -
chris mcnallen-jones December 02, 2011 360
If you have played the games before you won't be disaapointed. I found playing it online far easier and more fun than in brotherhood. The game itself has plenty to do, however it does have a felling of being slightly easier at the moment than brotherhood, but plenty to collect. The shops are back, and the ability to call your assassins.
Most of the game play doesn't add a great deal to the apple of eden story and I am over half way through.
What is good is the altair parts where you can see what happens after the first game. I find the desmond story is a bit boring, and the story hasn't got me as hooked as in the other games, but in the end, you can jump around sticking hidden blades in people, and you now have grenades, so for once the lack of real a real storyline can be forgiven. Another great game in the series.
Assassins Creed Revelations - Launch Trailer 360PC | 02:03 Play Trailer
Assassins Creed Revelations--Ezios Story 360PC | 02:23 Play Trailer
Assassins Creed Revelations: Demo Trailer 360 | 02:47 Play Trailer
Assassins Creed Revelations: E3 Trailer 360PC | 03:00 Play Trailer
Assassins Creed Revelations: E3 Trailer (Continued) 360PC | 03:13 Play Trailer
Assassins Creed Revelations: Generations Trailer 360PC | 01:52 Play Trailer
Assassins Creed Revelations: History is Our Playground (Brand Trailer) 360PC | 03:38 Play Trailer
Assassins Creed Revelations: Multiplayer Trailer 360PC | 01:58 Play Trailer
Assassins Creed Revelations: Templars Trailer 360PC | 02:37 Play Trailer