Product Features
- Genre
- Action and Shooter
- Publisher
- Valve
- Release Date
- October 19, 2007
- Available Platforms
- PC, XBox 360
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Half Life 2 The Orange Box
5 Games, One Box: The Orange Box is the ultimate collection of innovative action games for the PC or console, and an amazing introduction to the Half Life series for console gamers.
Pete Bridekirk March 19, 2009 360
I got this for £12. Five games for £12??!! And they're all awesome games individually!!!!
Half life 2: Is a classic and is just as playable now as it was in 2004. Unlike what I've read, it's not a part of the xbox1 game, it's probably the definite version of the game as it runs much smoother than xbox1 and even better than my friends high end PC version. There are even more enemies than in the Xbox1 version. 'Where the hell did they come from?' The Xbox1 Version must have had to cut some out during the more hectic scenes.
Half life 2 episode 1: Is probably the weakest of the bunch, it's a few hours of the samey corridor stuff from half life 2 and nothing particularly new, although I have enjoyed it the more times I've played through it. And let's be honest, it's still awesome compared to 90% of other games on the market.
Episode 2: Is the epitome of Awesomeness. It's all the best moments of half life squished into a few hours of excellence. Cool outside battles, underground ant-lion zulu/starship troopers section, tough as nails hunters and ambushes. A few boring corridor moments now and again but def one of the best games ever made.
Portal: Is awesome. The shortest of the bunch but it's perfect and never outstays its welcome. I'm not going to ruin the story because the whole point of the game is being humorously freaked out by glados the sarcastic computer voice.
I'm too busy with Gears of War 2's Multiplayer so can't tell you about TF2, but who cares, £12 for just portal and episode 2 alone would be great value for money. Getting the whole lot is the icing on glado's cake.
Let's hope more games are released in awesome packages like this.
Buy buy buy! -
Dave Bamford October 14, 2008 360
Wow. This game is simply phenominal.
I first got this game in February (having already played HL2 on my pc at its release), and didn't play it alot. I picked it back up during the summer and have not been able to put it down.
For those who don't know, the game is split into 3 or 5 parts depending on how you look at it.
First up, Half Life 2, and it's 2 expansions, Episodes 1 and 2. HL2 has a play time of 10 hours +, Ep 1 is very short at 3 hours, and Ep2 is longer at about 6. Although HL2 is dated now, at the time the graphics were amazing, and they still hold up fairly well today. The physics engine is brilliant and many puzzles are based around it. The ending is particularly brilliant, based on a certain element of the physics engine I won't go into here.
Episode 1 and 2 are of course similar, but equally awesome, if a little short, bring on Episode 3!
The next part of the package is a puzzle game called Portal. If you haven't played this yet, do so. Picking up so many awards despite its short length, this was one of THE releases during 2007. Its very amusing as well. Portal is based around using your weapon to shoot blue and orange portals, stepping through one will bring you out of the other. Simple, but some of the puzzles are both fiendish and genius.
Last up, Team Fortress 2. Online only, and without splitscreen, when I first got this I didnt like it. I went back to it, and wow. Both my brother and I are in love with this game - hes even going to pick up a copy of the Orange Box just so he can play while I'm at uni! Much better than Halo, Gears and Resistance imo, only rivalled by Timesplitters for sheer fun. You pick from one of 9 classes, and basically the game is based around attack and defend missions and capture the flag. Once again, this game is hilarious. I hope Valve release a TF3 with a single player campaign, as the story would be genius. More maps and upgrades to all the classes are soon to be released though!
Thats the 3 or 5 parts laid out, and without a doubt this is the best value package in gaming history. I got this for around £40, and now, at half the price, its a sin not to own it. -
Niresh August 29, 2008 360
Half-Life 2: The Orange Box (Xbox 360) is an awesome game that I would die to play. Each levels are so interesting that I feeling like I'm sucked in to the game.It is one of the greatest game I've ever played. I would like to congrats Electronic Arts for their excellent work on the graphics quality of this game.
liam August 23, 2008 360
the orange box is packed 5 games for only £22 that is a bargain the graphics are outstanding and even more on hd the background is beautiful lots detail in this game is well worth a purchase multiplayer on team fortress 2 is the best multiplayer game i have seen ever well have fun.
Half-Life 2: The Orange Box 360PC | 01:00 Play Trailer