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Release Date
September 14, 2007
Available Platforms
PlayStation 3, XBox 360

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In a nutshell: Japanese publishers Koei are best known for action epics such as Dynasty Warriors but this new futuristic racer mixes the look of WipEout with the gameplay of Mario Kart, while adding in a few next generation tricks of its own. The lowdown: Actually the first game to be confirmed for the PlayStation 3''s launch in November, this futuristic racer features a whole range of backdrops to race through including a river canyon, a dense jungle, across lava flows and through a mountain canyon. With no artificially created tracks, as in WipEout, you''re given a lot more freedom to forge your own path and to use the range of weapons to nobble the opposition, choosing from missiles, speed boosts, smokescreens and cluster bombs. You''re also able to fully customise your racer, replacing...