Product Features
- Genre
- Simulation
- Publisher
- 505 Games
- Release Date
- September 04, 2009
- Available Platforms
- Nintendo DS, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, XBox 360
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IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds Of Prey is based on a WW2 large scale aerial combat. Players get to pilot spitfires, battle planes or heavy bombers through six adrenaline-fuelled missions set over remarkably detailed landscapes. As well as having 40 planes with which you can perform barrel rolls and dives, this simulation is also graphically excellent, even having a damage effect engine where you can see the real-time battering your plane's taking from the enemy. The game has three modes: arcade, realistic and simulator. In arcade most of the plane's ins-and-outs are looked after for you and enemies are clearly marked. Realistic mode makes flying a little more difficult, but it's simulation that's really amazing, although it's quite difficult - it's the closest you'll ever get to flying a plane in WW2!
IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey 360PS3PSPDS | 01:29 Play Trailer
IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey 360PS3PSPDS | 01:26 Play Trailer