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Product Features

Action and Shooter
Release Date
March 12, 2004
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Resident Evil Code Veronica X Gamecube

It's rather ironic that Resident Evil Code: Veronica X has rejuvenated the PS2's fortunes in Japan, because it's essentially identical to the original, year-old version on the Dreamcast. Code: Veronica is, however, a superb game that deserves as large an audience as possible, lest its heady mix of action, puzzles and lots and lots of zombies goes unappreciated by the masses. Unlike previous games in the series Code: Veronica is portrayed entirely in 3-D--although the atmospheric camera maintains an essentially static viewpoint for most of the time. The amazing graphics are obviously the main draw but you'll also find that some of the more irritating foibles of the series have been ironed out--such as the scarcity of ammo and camera angles that make combat unfairly difficult. The "X" at the...