Product Features
- Genre
- Action and Shooter
- Publisher
- Capcom
- Release Date
- September 18, 2009
- Available Platforms
- PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 3, XBox 360
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Resident Evil 5
Just when you thought it was safe to sleep at night again, along comes a new horror which is sure to make the hairs stand up on the back of your neck. Chris Redfield, who's this time joined by sharp-shooting new character Sheva Alomar, heads to Africa where the latest bioterrorism threat is transforming the people of the city into crazed, mindless beasts. To survive, the pair must combine forces and uncover the mystery and truth behind the evil plot. Resident Evil 5 brings to the table an amazing level of realism, detail and advanced control, which is second to none and is sure to attract a new wave of fans. This much anticipated survival horror game is a true HD gaming experience and a must have for any serious gamer.
David Hawes November 04, 2009 PS3
Absolutely outstanding in co-op mode... This has pretty much swallowed up me and my flatmate's life since I bought it a few weeks ago.
Incredible graphics, great tension and immense environments.
Highly recommended -
Joe Stevens April 27, 2009 PS3
Everyone knows about the pressure that Resident Evil 5 had to live up to its legendary predecessor, Resident Evil 4, often regarded as the greatest game of all time. I am pleased to say that it is certainly a worthy successor to Resi 4. Resident Evil 5 does have a few problems but when you take the production values, polish, incredible graphics and fantastic scenes into account you can't but recognise what a fantastic experience Resident Evil 5 is to play through.
The game follows Chris Redfield, played by you, in his quest to investigate another bioterrorist threat, but this time on the African continent. For the first time in any Resident Evil 5 game, you can play through the whole single player story with a human co-op partner. They will take control of Chris' new partner, Sheva Alomar. Having played through the game 3 times, with the AI once and a human partner twice, I would strongly recommend playing through the game with a co-op partner as Sheva's AI tends to fall apart in the end segments of the game. This way you will get far more out of the experience. The game takes you through an array of various environments including African deserts, secret underground laboratories and much more. I found that the game was far more enjoyable while in the African slums rather than contained underground labs. When in set in the outside, the graphics really show what they can do and the larger areas give you more variety in how you can apply different strategies to taking down your enemies. The story isn't Oscar winning material but is good enough to sustain your interest. It is the way that the story is presented through the cut scenes that really keeps the player engrossed in the Resident Evil experience. They really are that spectacular.
As I mentioned earlier, Resi 5 contains co-op play for the first time. I firmly believe that the co-op in this game really helps it to succeed in becoming such a great game. You can play online co-op or even split screen co-op (which I must admit I have had endless hours of fun exploding zombies' heads long into the night with friends). Co-op doesn't just serve the purpose of allowing you to play through the game with a friend, it also serves a pivotal part in the gameplay of the game. For example, Chris can lauch Sheva onto a higher platform so she can then give him covering fire while in relative safety, while Chris faces a swarm of the living dead. It's at these places that you can see why Resident Evil 5 made the decision to incorporate co-op into its core design/structure.
Resident Evil 5 has got to have some of the most professionally produced cut scenes in any videogame I have ever played. They could have been taken straight out of a Hollywood blockbuster, and also have QTE's (quick time events) incorporated into them, which means you are always engaged in what is happening, and ready for any surprise that the game throws at you. The graphics in the game are nothing short of breath-taking for this generation of consoles. The African setting really helps Resi 5 to showcase its graphical prowess, the sunsets for example, could be taken right out of a nature documentary, apart from the fact you have mindless zombies on motorbikes throwing molotov cocktails at you while you attempt to mow them down with a mounted machine gun. It's in these moments that Resi 5 really reveals how it is now much more of an action game than survival horror. However, I feel that Resi 5 could have pulled this action genre off far better if it attempted to update the control scheme of the game, to suit a more action orientated audience. This is because you can only move and aim while standing still, which can cause a problem when zombies are sprinting towards you, admittedly, it does increase the tension so it is far from a disaster. The control scheme, by no means ruins the experience, I just believe the game would have benefited from a control revamp.
The single player campaign should take you around 10-14hrs to complete on your first play through, but the fun does not end here. You can then replay any of the levels in any order and with the weapons you have upgraded throughout your first play through. This allows you to continuously upgrade your weapons to extreme levels, massively increasing the longevity of the game. You can then also spend the points you earned at the end of each level to unlock bonus content such as infinite ammo for specific guns and also costumes for your character to wear. If this wasn't enough then there are also 30 BSAA emblems hidden throughout the game which also unlock bonus content.
Once you have finished the main story, you unlock a mode called 'Mercenaries Mode'. In this mode you face endless waves of zombies, trying to kill them in a variety of ways to earn score multipliers and extra time. The aim is to last as long as possible and to score as many points as you possibly can. 'Mercenaries' is extremely addictive and well worth the time that it takes to unlock.
Overall, Resident Evil 5 is a must own for any action/zombie obsessed/adrenaline seeking gamer out there. The game will keep you entertained for weeks if not months and is a great change of pace from all other 3rd person shooters on the market at the moment. Resident Evil 5 has astonishing graphics, an engaging story, a long lasting appeal and the most fantastic cut scenes in any game I have seen. For these reasons I give Resident Evil 5 a 9.5 / 10.
Resident Evil 5 360PS3 | 03:04 Play Trailer