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Product Features

Action and Shooter
Release Date
September 08, 2006
Available Platforms
XBox 360

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In a nutshell:Freelance photographer Frank West is stuck in a shopping centre full of zombies and he''s only got 72 hours to escape. How he manages that feat is entirely up to you, with his fate, that of dozens of other survivors and a legion of the walking dead entirely in your hands.The lowdown:Since this is basically an unofficial video game remake of Dawn of the Dead it tries to recreate all the major elements from the movie, including scenes with hundreds of zombies on screen at once. Given free reign in the shopping centre there are 250 different objects you can use to dispatch them but in the end escape is your own really option. The question is how you manage it and whether you properly investigate what''s going, try and help other survivors or photograph their demise in an attempt...