Product Features
- Genre
- Adventure
- Publisher
- Ubisoft
- Release Date
- October 31, 2012
- Available Platforms
- XBox 360
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Assassins Creed 3 2CD
Assassin's Creed 3 Ignite the revolution. 18th century North America. After more than 20 years of conflict, the 13 American colonies and the British Crown are on the brink of all out war. Battle lines are drawn. Bloodshed is inevitable. Out of the embers of his burning village, a new assassin will rise. Born of Mohawk and British blood, his fight for freedom and justice will be forged in the flames of revolution. Spanning the Revolutionary War, Assassin's Creed III takes gamers from the vibrant, untamed frontier to bustling colonial towns and the intense, chaotic battlefields where George Washington's Continental Army clashed with the imposing British Army. Players become an Assassin in the war for liberty against ruthless tyranny in the most stylised and fluid combat experiences in the franchise...
Alex Decker January 30, 2013 360
Assassin's Creed 3 - Xbox 360 Review
I have always been a fan of the Assassin's Creed franchise, and probably always will. Since the series was introduced back in 2007; with its sleek and stylish free-running accompanied by smooth stealth and sword swinging action, the franchise has developed into something outstanding. With each new entry into the franchise, the series gets better and better; and thankfully I am able to say whole-heartedly that this is the best Assassin's Creed game yet.
The story in Assassin's Creed 3 continues the ongoing plot of Desmond Miles; a young bartender turned assassin, who must try and save the world from destruction during the Mayan Apocalypse of 2012. By entering a machine called the Animus, Desmond can travel back in time and see how his ancestor's lived centuries past. In doing so Desmond's task is to find a key that will open a door to where the secret of saving the world is kept. It's an interesting set-up however I never found myself invested in Desmond's side of things as even for a person who has played the other four Assassin's Creed games, the story is too complicated and convoluted to be followed easily. Thankfully however Connor's story is where the bulk of the game is, and it is where most of the best action can be found. Connor is Desmond's ancestor from the time of the American Revolution, and not only is his quest an interesting one, but one that you will feel that you have to complete. Storytelling is done really well within the game, so much so that you start to get attached to the characters that you meet. This is something that you do not see very often, and it made the game feel more realistic as a whole.
After seeing his village being burnt to the ground, Connor embarks on a one man mission to kill the men responsible. It's an entertaining and an absorbing story that will have you thinking about the actions that you are committing as it unfolds. One bad note however, is that the game doesn't really pick up until the four hour mark, as Connor isn't the only character you will be playing as. Despite this however, if you're willing to allow yourself to become immersed in a long and detailed story, there is no better route to take than Assassin's Creed 3.
Gameplay in Assassin's Creed 3 adds more variety than in previous entries. New inclusions cover free-running in the thick trees of the Frontier to hunting for big black bears in the dense forests that lay within. Both are equally enjoyable, and leaping down from a tree and silently disposing of an animal has never felt quite so satisfying. Despite this however, there is no real meaningful reason to go hunting, unless you're just a little short of some money. Tree free-running on the other hand is an excellent inclusion. By including this new ability, travel is made much more enjoyable, as large distances are now far easier to cover. One final addition is that of the navel battles. I have never seen a naval battle done quite so well, as it is in Assassin's Creed 3. Wood splinters up into the sky and fire belches from your sunken enemies. Add in the dynamic weather system and battles can become intense and exciting even if you are struggling to conquer the high seas.
Whilst in the new cities of Boston and New York gameplay takes on a more familiar role, and is largely unchanged from other Assassin's Creed games. Free-running is still fast and efficient despite being fairly discouraged, as guards now seem to be altered to your presence far more quickly and annoyingly. However if you're willing to fight a handful of guards it's no real problem. Combat is brilliantly done in Assassin's Creed 3, and it I will leave feeling amazed and asking yourself if you "really just did that?" Combat in Assassin's Creed 3 plays on ideas from other games in the genre, as an indicator above your target's head appears when they are about to attack, and this then allows you to kill them in one smooth motion. After doing so you are able to start a killing chain, which enables you to kill multiple targets with a single slice of your sword. Double counters also occur when two enemies have an indicator above their head at the same time and these are awesome. A small action scene plays out showing how you kill both enemies and each different scene is done really well. Combat is thrilling, exciting and immensely satisfying. Furthermore Connor has a vast arsenal of weaponry at his disposal, including new weapons like pistols, muskets and even a bow, which is my personal favourite.
Presentation in Assassin's Creed 3 is sublime. Climbing to the top of a chapel or tall tree and seeing the world spin around is like nothing else found in gaming. The world created in Assassin's Creed 3 is colossal in size, leaving you with half the game yet to explore once you finish the main story. Which by the way will take around 13 hours. Cities are vast in detail, and even the out skirting towns are able to appear different to each other and provide a nice change of scenery to the bustling, busy cities of Boston and New York. The Frontier has been created to a similar standard and is an absolute joy to explore. Believe me when I say this; as the Frontier is absolutely huge and will leave you with a constant desire to explore it's every nook and cranny. Voice work is also well done and is accompanied by a stellar soundtrack. A few problems do occur however when fighting a lot of enemies as the frame-rate will noticeably drop and will disrupt the action a little bit. However it's not really a big problem considering just how big Assassin's Creed 3 is and just how much the game does so well.
To conclude Assassin's Creed 3 is an excellent adventure and one that must be taken if you have any interest in action games or even history. Its deep tale of revenge and justice accompanied by a brilliant setting of the American colonies creates a game of massive scale and quality. Throw in an interesting multiplayer idea and you have the complete package. Assassin's Creed 3 may take some time to get going, but it's defiantly a journey that you're going to want to take.
AC3: LaunchTrailer 360 | 01:31 Play Trailer
Assassins Creed 3: Announce Trailer 360 | 01:25 Play Trailer
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Assassins Creed 3: Connor Story Trailer 360 | 02:28 Play Trailer
Assassins Creed 3: Gameplay Trailer 360 | 02:09 Play Trailer
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