Product Features
- Genre
- Action and Shooter
- Publisher
- Activision
- Release Date
- November 10, 2009
- Available Platforms
- PC, PlayStation 3, XBox 360
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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Record breaking game, Modern Warfare 2, is the stunning sixth instalment in the Call of Duty series. It gives players the chance to become a member of military Task Force 14, a force of heavily armed soldiers battling a Russian ultra-nationalist terrorist group.
In this super-intelligent game, players are taken on an authentic world tour, including Russia, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Brazil and into orbit, in an effort to defeat the terrorists and restore peace - but the question is, can you hack it?
Matthew June 16, 2011 360
this game is probably the best modern warfare it is very good for sniping or even machine guns you will love this from the ages 7-20. It has a wide range of game types such as search and destroy, team deathmatch etc. You will love this i recommend it
Steven Keegan April 11, 2010 360
Infinity Ward have done a superb job in making what I feel is the best call of duty game in the franchise to date. They have taken what made Call of Duty 4 a good game and enhanced every aspect to ensure players will enjoy hours of gameplay. The campaign is one of the most fascinating and thrilling campaigns that I have played in any war based game. In Call of Duty 4 I feel that besides the extra airplane mission the campaign on expert wasn't too challenging. In Modern Warfare 2 the campaign is overall more difficult but not impossible and when you complete the campaign it fills you with a sense of achievement. The specs ops game mode is a great addition to the game with side missions which can be completed solo or with a buddy. One problem with this part of the game is the inability to search online to find a partner to complete these challenges with. I would definitely recommend this game even if you aren't familiar with the franchise and I would certainly give this game a 5 star rating.
Daniel Wozniak April 10, 2010 PC
Brilliant game, very addictive and very much with the money because of the non stop online action.
Matthew Crouch April 09, 2010 PS3
Modern Warfare 2 is the biggest game ever selling over 7 million copies of the game in 1 day. It smashed UK sales records on first day of release making a record. It has earned over $1bn worldwide. And at the end of the game it was left open for a sequel showing Price and Soap escaping death and flying away Nikolai. But the online has been the biggest success with millions playing on it every day. Customise your weapon, perks and rank up levels by playing in 17 different game modes including the bog standard team deathmatch. This game has captured the hearts of true gamers and Ifinity ward has given us a new map pack to play on (Stimulus) including 5 new maps, 2 of which are from call of duty modern warfare and 3 new ones. COD 6 holds the crown for FPS shooters and although being given a run for its money by Battlefield Bad Company 2, isn't giving it up easily.
Robbie Mackenzie November 25, 2009 360
Playing through the single player campaign of modern warfare 2 feels very familiar. Don't get me wrong it's still brilliant, but while playing through I just couldn't shake the feeling that I was playing a more outrageous version of Call of Duty 4's single player. Put simply it's COD4 on steroids. The set pieces are similar but the locales, explosions and guns are bigger and better. From riding snowmobiles to being fired out of a submarine no single player grabs you by the scruff of the neck and drags you along like this one, in fact you will most likely play through it in one sitting.
New to the table is a mode known as spec ops. It is essentially short set pieces played between two people via split-screen or online tying to earn stars dependant on the difficulty. The set pieces vary hugely with many lifted from the COD4 single player (AC130 mission anyone?) and are great fun with a buddy if you get bored of being pawned in online multiplayer. However these spec ops aren't for the weak hearted especially if playing on veteran but once you complete one you will be rewarded with a great sense of achievement, in fact after a particularly hard one, me and my buddy ended up high fiving each other and trash talking my Xbox...
And finally onto the real bang for your buck, the multiplayer. The gameplay is pretty much unchanged and the maps are a good variety of close combat areas and wide open spaces, but then that's what you expected. Riot shields, shotguns for secondary weapons and customisable killstreak rewards is what you probably didn't. The latter changes the game completely with a good team balancing its killstreak rewards between low (UAV) and high (AC130), which is why it's the best addition to multiplayer. Another great addition is the new titles and emblems system. Basically when you kill someone a tag appears at the bottom of the screen with the person's gamertag, title, emblem and clan tag. By completing certain in-game tasks (killing 2 people with 1 bullet will award you with a bullet shaped title and a black skull emblem) you can customise the look of your ID tag to your own taste. So all in all just what you needed to keep you going until next November.
Gameplay - Same great gameplay, fast and fun.
Graphics - COD4 in its Sunday best, a bit disappointing. 8.5/10
Sound - Typical COD makes you feel like you're in a battlefield.
Presentation - ID system adds a new layer of addiction to the multiplayer but other than that nothing special.
Lasting Appeal - With mulitplayer and the new spec ops this is one game that won't be leaving my disc tray for a very long time.
10/10 -
Freddy November 15, 2009 360
Game of the decade, although the memories of Call Of Duty Modern Warfare, will be missed. Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 has broken a barrier in first person shooting. A toast to Activision!
karl May 13, 2009 360
I love the idea of COD Modern warfare 2, it looks excellent and I can't wait to get it - good job guys keep it up! 5/5
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - 2 Minute Trailer 360PS3PC | 01:57 Play Trailer
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Map Pack DLC Trailer 360 | 01:08 Play Trailer
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Resurgence Package DLC Trailer 360 | 04:48 Play Trailer
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Single Player Trailer 360PS3PC | 02:03 Play Trailer
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Teaser Trailer 360PS3PC | 00:15 Play Trailer
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Trailer 360PS3PC | 01:53 Play Trailer