Product Features
- Genre
- Action and Shooter
- Publisher
- Activision
- Release Date
- November 16, 2007
- Available Platforms
- Nintendo DS, PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii, XBox 360
Related Items
Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga
It''s the game that never should''ve worked. Normal licensed games are usually bad enough but the game of the toy of the film? Clearly the Force was with developer Traveller''s Tales though because Lego Star Wars I and II were huge critical and commercial hits that showed that not only could licensed games be good but that titles aimed at kids and the family could be just as innovative and entertaining as any other. Clearly not wishing for any of the new consoles to miss out on the fun this is a compendium of both games with a bunch of new extras thrown in on top. Together the two games cover both the prequel and original trilogy, with each film given six separate levels of its own, one of which is vehicle based. The rest of the levels though are deceptively simple action adventures with a...
Faye Gardner October 26, 2009 PS3
This is an excellent game for the family to sit and play together, especially the kids. It's great fun for a Star Wars fan. The kids loved the game and it lasts a little longer than the other lego games as it's really 2 games in one package. Wouldn't knock it for £10 - excellent buy to keep you kids entertained and provides some laughs throughout!
Elliot Pavelin April 02, 2009 WII
I previously bought Lego Star Wars and Lego Star Wars 2 for the PS2, and absolutely loved them! I spent many happy hours playing on them and the drop-in drop-out co-op mode is great, and the cut scenes are very funny. I was really happy when I found out that there was going to be a game that incorporated all 6 films in one game and included the missing level from Attack of the Clones with the speeder chase of Zam Vessel on Coruscant. There were also going to be a couple of extra exclusive characters such as Zam Vessel and Watto from The Phantom Menace. I waited patiently until Christmas for it and sure enough, I got it!
It was just like reliving old times, playing the levels again, and this time with lots of new different challenges and arenas. It was great fun! Also, being able to use the Wii Remote to control your lightsaber is an obvious move, and it very enjoyable, and if you don't feel like this, it's as simple as pressing the B button anyway to strike! And there are lots of new extras to unlock through finding Red Power Bricks, which were included on Lego Star Wars 2, but not on the first one, so putting them on the prequel trilogy levels means that there are many more extras to unlock.
Unfortunately, this means that there are a few quite random inclusions, and I thought some were a bit farfetched on Lego Star Wars 2, and some of these just go beyond ridiculous! At least the score multipliers are cheaper on this game, and there are a lot more places to get the studs to buy them! Also, if you have played the two games before and don't want to play them again, there isn't really enough to warrant buying this game, although if you haven't got it or you haven't played it, then it is essential and a great game that gets the family together, which is what Nintendo are trying to encourage!
A great game, but not enough for those who've already got it on another platform
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga 360PS3DSWII | 01:40 Play Trailer
legosw 360PS3DSWII | 02:07 Play Trailer